Ask HN: The easiest and most hassle-free way to host front end and back end?

3 points by behnamoh 3 days ago

I'm trying the tool to create a simple web app. It allows me to bypass writing JS (it's pure Python code compiled to NextJS).

I want to minimize the time it takes from making changes to my app to seeing them reflected in the final product. I don't have much experience running dockers and VPS's. Reflex offers a deployment solution but they won't allow us to use custom domains and they don't fully support all backend operations like databases. That's why I was looking for self-hosting options.

verdverm 3 days ago

self-hosted and hassle-free are not typically found together, self-hosted will always be more work than available providers can offer

Vercel is the company behind NextJS and is popular, Netlify is also a common choice. My preference is GCP, though any of the major cloud providers are going to have a container based Cloud Run / ECS offering. Packaging it up into Docker is (mostly) a one time thing and typically very stable once you get it working.

lofaszvanitt 3 days ago

rent a vps

install debian 11

learn firewalling (nft)

learn linux basics, ssh best practices etc.

forget all the websites that offer you a short way to deploy shit and the like, these all make you a slave to their ecosystem

install nginx/php|python/mysql|postgres

setup things

pure js, css+html is a must, learn it

upload your stuff, hooray

if you are not yet bleeding... you can celebrate.

or hire a sysop guy who creates the above system for you under some vps, so all you have to do is upload your thing to a folder and it will be served under a domain, that's all.

beretguy 3 days ago

Give up on Python and NextJS.

Write your app in PHP.

Create account on

Check out repo they provide.

Push your code to that repo.
